Back in September / October of 2013 I had the chance of getting to do just
under 3 weeks of work experience at delightful and very welcoming Second Home
Studios in Birmingham. Where I got to assist on a project for CITV's Share A
Story, This is a yearly competition by CITV where children get to make their own storyboard for a 30 second short. The winners are selected and local animation
studios are then given a short to make in their desired format.
To find out more about Share A Story check out the in-depth article from skwigly here!
To find out more about Share A Story check out the in-depth article from skwigly here!
The Share A Story I got to work on is called 'My Motorbike'. Made at Second
Home Studios. Written and read by 8 year old Alex Holt, Directed and Produced
by Waldemar Werbel and Chris Randall.
I joined the project on the last 3 weeks of production right when the animating side started up. This was a perfect time for me to join as most of the job roles I got involved in were prop making, set dressing, help setting up shots, lighting and overall studio assistance. The job that I'm most proud of getting to do was making the characters scarf and red cape. I made 2 of etch Item as they had a habit of getting a little grubby from been used and moved around a lot to simulate the wind as he rides the bike.
One of the more amusing things I learnt was making the trees. To do this we used
a number real tree branches, glued together to make the tree trunks. For the
green foliage we used bunches of Broccoli screwed and glued into place. This
would of never of crossed my mind but it is something I will most definitely be
keeping in mind for a project as it has a brilliant look on camera.
I joined the project on the last 3 weeks of production right when the animating side started up. This was a perfect time for me to join as most of the job roles I got involved in were prop making, set dressing, help setting up shots, lighting and overall studio assistance. The job that I'm most proud of getting to do was making the characters scarf and red cape. I made 2 of etch Item as they had a habit of getting a little grubby from been used and moved around a lot to simulate the wind as he rides the bike.
Check out the final short here:
Written and read by 8 year old Alex Holt,
Directed and Produced by Waldemar Werbel and Chris Randall.
Animation: Ian Whittle, Chris Randall, Waldemar Werbel
Production Assistant: Omari McCarthy
Modellers: Dominic Madden-Kennedy, Abbie Williams, Charlotte Clare, Amy Dodd, Ian Whittle, Omari Mccarthy Josh Taylor, Daniel James
Post-Production: Waldemar Werbel, Jardine Sage, Frank Mansfield, Chris Randall
I hope you enjoyed It, this was great fun to work on and a brilliant team to work with, I hope to get the opportunity to work with them again! To find out more about Second Home Studios click here!
Written and read by 8 year old Alex Holt,
Directed and Produced by Waldemar Werbel and Chris Randall.
Animation: Ian Whittle, Chris Randall, Waldemar Werbel
Production Assistant: Omari McCarthy
Modellers: Dominic Madden-Kennedy, Abbie Williams, Charlotte Clare, Amy Dodd, Ian Whittle, Omari Mccarthy Josh Taylor, Daniel James
Post-Production: Waldemar Werbel, Jardine Sage, Frank Mansfield, Chris Randall
I hope you enjoyed It, this was great fun to work on and a brilliant team to work with, I hope to get the opportunity to work with them again! To find out more about Second Home Studios click here!