11 April 2012

Viv &Mandy in the Big Clean Up part 2 is here!

The time has come! and I am very happy to say that Viv & Mandy in the big clean up Part 2 is now out, I hope you all enjoy it and as wall ways your comments and feedback are very welcome.

5 April 2012

Viv & Mandy in the big clean up part 2 is coming!

Good news everyone! All the editing on Viv & Mandy In the big clan up part 2 is now fully completed and is all ready for its online release next week on the 12th of April. 

I have been given the opportunity by Marc Spess form animateclay.com to have the first online screening of Part 2 during their weekly animators live chat. I will be showing parts 1 and 2 back to back, showing photos form the making of, giving out some behind the scenes information and will also be taking any questions from the viewers. 

The animateclay live chat will take place on Thursday the 12th of April at the UK time of 2am. i hope to see some of you guys there but if you can’t as I know it is late the film will be online to everyone straight after! 

Once the film is released i have a ton of information, behind the scenes and making of images to show you all that I will be posting on here over the upcoming weeks.